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Beautiful handmade grainy paper, delicately drawn designs, carefully pressed waxseals, soft ribbons and unique prints. Let me combine all the layers of beauty – and create a personalized wedding stationery that will last for a lifetime. Because every lovestory deserves to be adorned by a piece of art.
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My Name is Patrizia, and I am so happy to have you here!
I am a passionate & optimistic being, who sees beauty within all ordinary details of life and loves to tastefully conjure your ideas into material form..

geistreich papeterie design (19)

geistreich papeterie design (15)

Geistreich, papeterie hochzeitspapeterie design weddingstationery calligraphy luxury

geistreich papeterie design (19)

Patrizia Nicosia Menna
Patrizia smiles at the camera

Federhalter Kalligrafie Zürich Obliquefederhalter Hochzeitspapeterie schweiz zürich basel zugkalligr
Patrizia hält die Kalligrafie Feder

Wedding planning, wedding stationery, hochzeitspapeterie hochzeitseinladung highend luxury
Patrizia sitz auf bank

Patrizia Nicosia Menna
Patrizia smiles at the camera
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