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It's pure Magic

Updated: Nov 2, 2023

From custom wedding websites to last-minute works of art and joyful couples, the 2023 season has been nothing short of enchanting.

FineArt Wedding, Luxury Dining
Wedding stationery by geistreich

The wonderful wedding season concluded with the last wedding in mid-October 2023.

It was a rollercoaster of joy, time pressure, creativity, and art. As a calligrapher and stationery designer, it was an absolute pleasure to make numerous couples happy and bring their wedding dreams to life. Let me take you on a journey through this year's designs.

What a Start

The year began at the Dolder Grand in Zurich with an extraordinary wedding. Over 200 service providers contributed to this wedding, organized by Nicole Wedding Please, making it a truly incomparable event! Here's a sneak peek: Geistreich had the honor of creating the day-of stationery for this couple.

Wedding stationery and invitations by Geistreich

Photocredits: Kuenzli Photography

"L u x u r y i s ( . . . ) t h e o p p o s i t e o f o r d i n a r y." - C o c o C h a n e l

Shortly thereafter, the first wedding invitations of the year left the studio, a wedding event was planned and executed for the Wedding Circle, various day-of place cards were designed and hand-lettered. I had the pleasure of being part of beautiful styled shooting projects and getting to know wonderful wedding professionals (Read about the Peony Dream Shooting, the Love Story in French, or the Modern Country Glam). Business stationery and special items for industry professionals were crafted before a well-deserved summer break in June.

Wedding stationery and invitations by Geistreich

Photocredits: Kuenzli Photography

A post-summer wish came true, and it's among the highlights of this year: "John." In July, my 118-year-old letterpress machine joined my studio, rounding out my in-house printing services. If you appreciate an old, pedal-operated machine, check out my videos here:

Menu + place cards

Geistreich Across Europe

Looking back on this season, I'm grateful that Geistreich has had the opportunity to accompany weddings around the world. I was part of unforgettable celebrations in Switzerland, Italy, Croatia, Spain, and France, where I had the privilege of enhancing weddings with my stationery. In total, over 750 custom wedding invitations and over 1200 hand-lettered pieces (including place cards and hand-addressed envelopes) left the studio, bringing joy to guests, couples, and planners.

"P a t r i z i a h a s ( … ) c r e a t e d o u r w e b s i t e , f u l f i l l i n g a l l o f o u r r e q u e s t s w i t h g r e a t u n d e r s t a n d in g a n d p a t i e n c e , a n d c o n s i s t e n t l y s u p p o r t i n g u s w i t h w o n d e r f u l i d e a s . H e r s t a t i o n e r y i s

s i m p l y b e a u t i f u l , a n d w e ' v e r e c e i v e d s o m u c h f e e d b a c k t h a t w e ' v e n e v e r r e c e i v e d s u c h a b e a u t i f u l w e d d i n g i n v i t a t i o n b e f o r e ( …)

T h a n k y o u f o r y o u r w o r k , P a t r i z i a , y o u a r e w o n d e r f u l ." - O&E

Wedding stationery by geistreich

Wedding stationery and invitations by Geistreich

Photocredits: Lisanne Vreeke Photography

Whether it was golden pigments elegantly dancing across handmade paper, white ink on translucent paper, seashells and hand-designed butterflies, embossing on hand-dyed paper, hand-dyed silk and linen banners, gold foil letterpress invitations, blind embossing, and blind letterpress, custom envelope liners, and so much more, each element represents a tangible piece of the couples' love, tradition, and elegance, handcrafted into a unique work of art.


The season started with a highlight, and it ended in the same splendid fashion. For K&C, a wedding couple organized by Gaea Design, I had the privilege of designing truly unique wedding stationery. Hand-dyed silk ribbons and papers, embossed printing on handmade papers, and delicate envelope liners were part of the invitations. For the day-of stationery, customized cocktail napkins, menu cards, and banners complemented the design. Here's a little glimpse of K&C's stationery.


It's an honor to be a companion on the journey for my couples and to capture the essence of each couple and their love in different designs, preserving it for eternity. Want to join the journey? Let's create dreams that last a lifetime: For your personalized wedding invitations and stationery, visit here.

Lots of Love




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